
Child wearing Santa Claus hat, symbolizing strategies for helping children cope with holiday stress.

Helping Children Cope with Holiday Stress

Holiday stress can be a common issue for children, especially during the holiday season when there is an increase in social events, family gatherings, and school activities. These added responsibilities...
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A doctor talking to a child during a mental health checkup, emphasizing the importance of a child's mental health.

5 Simple Steps for Taking Care of Your Child’s Mental Health

As a parent, one of the most important things you can do for your child is to help them maintain good mental health. This not only helps them to feel...
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Strategies to Manage Anxiety in Children Today

Anxiety In Children

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues faced by children today. It is estimated that 1 in 8 children experience anxiety disorders, and this number is only...
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Lonely child showing signs of anxiety - Anxiety Treatment for Children

What is Depression in Children

Depression in children is a growing issue that many parents are beginning to notice. While it is not uncommon for young people to experience feelings of sadness, depression is different....
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Mother taking care her child, representing Children & Adolescent Psychiatrist Services

ADHD in Children

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that affects millions of children around the world. It is characterized by difficulty paying attention and controlling impulsivity, along...
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A child displaying OCD symptoms, crying and distressed

Manage Your Child’s OCD Symptoms

Do you have a problem with doubt and uncertainty? Do you spend hours washing your hands or checking to make sure the door is locked? If so, you may be...
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A child feeling depressed being comforted by a mother, illustrating what causes depression in children

What Causes Depression in Children?

Some people might say that children cannot suffer from depression as they do not have the same pressures and worries as adults. But children have their own problems which can...
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Children running on the beach, illustrating the Vitamin D and depression link through sunlight exposure.

Is There A Link Between Vitamin D And Depression?

Discover what emerging research tells us about the relationship between vitamin D and depression. Vitamin D has long been known to be essential when it comes to keeping bones strong...
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Child experiencing traumatic stress - seeking support and healing

Traumatic Stress: How to Recognize It

Traumatic stress is something that can affect anyone. It can be the result of a single, catastrophic event or from enduring repeated or chronic traumatic experiences. While it's normal to...
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